Friday, October 30, 2015

lone star

Who: Parker Smith
What: dress code
Where: Bowie
When: Sept. 4 2015
Why: She got dress coded 
How: Posted it on twitter
Parker Smith is a senior at Bowie high school who got dress coded. She posted her story on twitter and a lot of people supported her. Her and her parents went to the administration to talk about the dress code. 
direct quotes
no statements
-Parker Smith
-Jennifer Smith
-Brandon Smith 
-Mr. Kane
The title does indicate what is going on in the story. It doesn't say anything about the battle.

Building better education 
What: New equipment 
Where: Bowie 
When: 2015-2016
Why: Help students have a better environment 
They are building a new trainers room for students to help get better faster. They also built a new kitchen so the culinary arts students can learn how a real kitchen works.
-Pablo Riera 
- Brittani Thibodeaux
-Richard Winemiller
there are direct quotes
There are no statements 
The title does indicate what is going on in the story because we did get new equipment to help out the students in a better environment.

SAT and ACT  will change in March 
Who: Students 
What: changes in SAT and ACT
When: March 2016 
Where: everywhere
Why: help students and give them a challenge 
How:changing the reading section 
The SAT and ACT are changing the reading section of the test. They are making the test where we get to choose the book we want to read. 
- Isabela Dobernez
-Ricky Ramirez
there are direct quotes  
there are no statements
The title does indicate what is going on in the story because it tells us exactly what the article is going to be about.

Fit bell schedule same as last year
Who: Students 
What: Fit schedule 
Where: Bowie 
When: 2015-2016
Why: help students study
How: rearranging schedule 
Instead of having A classes on Monday and Wednesday, B classes on Tuesday and Thursday, and then Fridays switching off we are just alternating between A and B days. We are also having FIT every Tuesday and Wednesday. Many people are liking this better.
-Nicole Moore
-Kalia Aquino
-Patricia Conroy
-Sahaj Mann
-Lili Benitez
there are direct quotes
there are no statements
The title does indicate what is going on in the story because the story did tell us about the fit bell schedule.

AISD gives school bond for campus renovations 
What: bowie got money from bonds
When: 2013
Where: Bowie
Why: make a better place for teachers and students
How: changes to the school
In 2013 AISD gave Bowie 16.5 million dollars to make renovations to the school. They changes the clocks, TV's, air conditioner, athletics hall, and they painted. A lot of teachers and students like the new changes but they say a lot still gads to be done.
-Vicki Hebert
-Tanner Howell
- Robert Rasmus
there are direct quotes.
there are no statements
The title does indicate what the story was talking about because the story did tells how AISD helped Bowie.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

opinion story

 There are still people today are still looked at and judged by people if they are darker or wear different clothing. People should not be judged on the color of there skin and the way they dress and look.

 On June 18, 2015 a police officer broke a 12 year old black girl's jaw and ribs for giving attitude to the police officer. It is not fair to the the little girl who was injured, people should not be allowed to act that way and get away with it just because they are law enforcement or any one else for that matter.

  I don't think that a giving a attitude because police had her friend to the wall is a good reason to break a girls jaw and ribs. This girl is only 12 and she is still young and learning and does not need to be shoved up to a police car and hurt.

 Its not only kids its adults too. In Florida a woman was tackled and punched for filming her husband's arrested. Is there a point to tackling and punching a woman for just filming a video of the cops doing there job.

 It's insane to me how people can hurt and abuse these people for barely doing anything to them. They are supposed to be law enforcers and they showing people it's okay to abuse these innocent people.

 But its not only them, in schools there is still a lot of kids harming other kids in there class. There is bullying at every school. It's not always about the door of skin, it's also about how kids dress and some kids can't afford fancy brands and expensive clothing like other kids. There are kids at every school that have the most expensive and fancy clothes. At Bowie, from personal experience, if you walk down the hallway you can tell that all the kids with the expensive clothing are all together and have the same clothes.

Some of these kids are the ones who are harassing the other kids who can't afford that stuff. Some kid's parents aren't as lucky to have great jobs and that is no reason that they should be making fun of them. How kids dress does not show what there personality is on the inside and all kids should never leave out or harass the kids without the name brand clothing.

I can see how people who think they are better than others can be rude sense they must have had some sort of influence at home but thats why parents these days should be helping there kids understand that we are all the same on the inside and out even if we don't look the exact same. And that even if others look or act differently if it's their skin or their clothing they still need to be treated the same as others.

I understand that darker skinned people have a "reputation" but they shouldn't, every person is different and it's wrong to for people to treat them like they are bad and criminal when there not.

I think that people should never be treated any different than everyone in the world. Everyone needs to be treated the same.

Friday, October 23, 2015

SNO Online Papers


1. Larissa Herold wrote this article
2. Their story is about waste or paper and plastic around the world not being recycled. There is too much waste in this world and we need to do something about it.
3. It was her direct opinion about people not recycling and causing so much waste in the world. She says "We need to start caring about our effect on the environment, to start reducing, reusing and  recycling." She direct states what she thinks and what we should be doing as a community. We should be recycling and not causing so much waste in this world.
4. No, they did not address any other side of the story.
5. No, they were not wishy-washy with there opinion they were clear about what they wanted.
6. No, there were no quotes
7. This was in 3rd person point of view.


1. Alaina Galasso
2. Her story is about how students in middle and high school should not have to dissect animals since the animals don't have a say in it.
3. She has a direct quotes and her opinion was that they should not have to dissect any animals in middle and high school. The animals don't any get a choice wether they want to be dissected or not. She says "Dissecting animals is an inhumane act." She thinks that its not right to be killing animals just so we can dissect them in middle school classes.
4. No, she did not address any other side of the story.
5. No, she was not wishy-washy with her opinion she was very clear about what she wanted.
6. No, there were no quotes
7. This was in 3rd person point of view.

Austin High

1. Lauren Mangold
2. Her story was about she has been feeling stuck in her senior year of college and how she is becoming more tired of school.
3. She directly states her opinion of how she is feeling tired and stuck. "However, I still find myself somehow stuck." she says in the third paragraph of this article.
4. No, she didn't give another side of the story.
5. No, she was not wishy-washy she was clear.
6. No quotes
&. 1st person

Personal Essays

1. One deciding topic the author talks about was that Conversational topics that get you excited or things that make you mad or happy are good topic ideas.
2.One good idea you  should remember when you are writing that the author mentioned was that details draw the reader in, and generalizations keep them out. And you should be specific.
3. The author suggests that you make connections as you are writing, write as evocatively as possible and take your ideas whenever you can.

CE 2.2

1. Two potential causes for Hidden Pines in Bastrop are that it was a farm accident or someone could have purposely started this burn ban.
2. Alan Gukain was nominated for music educators award because he has a natural talent and is awesome and he always goes above and beyond.
3. The favorite to win the F1 race held in Austin is Lewis Hamilton.
4. Three apples mentioned in the passage "Fall in love with apple" where honey crisps, Jonagold and Mclntosh.
5. I would like to try the "good dark chocolate" because I love chocolate and it literally has he word good in it so I would love to try it. And dark chocolate is good for you. Also I would be interested in trying the "real vanilla" since it doesn't have as much sugars as the things you add sugar to so its still sweet but not with all he sugars.

1. No, I have not brought my own textbook instead of the online. Since I have access to internet at home and anywhere on my phone so I don't need a copy of the actual textbook. And all the teachers have there textbooks online so there is no need for the actual textbooks if you have a smart phone or computer. There have been a lot of changes this year where everyone is using online textbooks.
2. No, if anything the online textbooks have helped my grades. Because I always have access to them and you go on anytime to finish homework. They can't hurt my grade since I can go on them and I don't need to worry about not having the information or miss placing my book. It helps a lot for me since I have two houses and I used to leave my book at one house and forget that I'm at the other house that night so it helps knowing that I will always have a book no matter what house I at.
3. I think this is a really good idea for the future since its so much easier for kids to go online. Since most kids will lose there books if you give it to them. The only downside would be that the kids that don't have phones and computers it would be difficult for them to use the internet.
4. Yes, I think this trend will continue a lot in United States in the upcoming years since more kids these days are getting smart phones and laptops at an earlier age based on this generation becoming more inclined to technology so kids now will start using there phones more making it easier for them to get into their textbooks online and they won't need to use the actual books.
5. I think that textbooks started to cost too much and they would run out of the books anyway. Also many kids are probably losing there books and its would be easier for everyone to just go online.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Opinion Writing Preview

"Student sharing, too much change or great opportunity?"

1. The author of the editorial board wrote this story.
2. This story is about the decision of having FIT everyday or only two days.
3. Their opinion about FIT was that FIT time is not more valuable than actual class but it is worth the shorter classes to have 30 extra minutes to study. They directly state, "I think it's worth that shorter classes are worth the extra 30 minutes of study time."
4. Yes, they included that there was a different side to the situation and they included reasons to support the other side.
5.Yes, they were wishy, washy with there opinion when they said they think FIT isn't more important than class time but they still think that FIT is worth study time.
6. No, there are no quotes.
7. This is in was written in 1st person point of view.

"The office welcomes the dawn of the technology"

1.This story was written by Kelsie Stella.
2. This story was about parking permits and V.O.E. available online for easier access.
3. The author's opinion was that are fully supportive to the new technology. "I think that moving toward a more technology-based system for these two documents, especially at a school like this, is going to prove to be extremely successful." They state in the last paragraph.
4. Yes, they do address the other side of the story and how there could be issues.
5. No, her opinions are not wishy-washy she states them very clearly.
6. No, there are no quotes in this story.
7. This story is in 1st person point of view.

"I scream, you scream...."

1. The author of this story was Nya Martin.
2. This story was about the reasons for Blue Bell being shut down.
3.The authors opinion about this story was that she will not eat Blue Bell and she doesn't like the company. As she states, "I will not be consuming any of Blue Bell's products." in the last paragraph.
4. No, they did not share another side of the story.
5. No, Her opinions where clearly stated.
6. No, there where not quotes in this story.
7. The was in 1st person point of view.

"The problem with pep rallies"

1.This story was written by Annika Holm.
2. This story is about there being no pep in pep rallies.
3. Her opinions on pep rallies is that she dislikes them based on lack of spirit and pep. "pep rally would go a long way to show that they're equally supported." She says in the last paragraph.
4. No, she really didn't show the other side of the story.
5. Yes, she was a little wishy-washy when she mentioned that the idea of pep rally are helping and encouraging players but she still does not like our pep rallies.
6. No, there are no quotes in this story.
7. This was 1st person point of view.

"Emotional learning effective?"
1. This story was written by Melissa Weprin.
2. This story is about how Social emotional learning is important for the rest of high school but most freshmen don't realize it.
3. Her opinion was clearly on how important S.E.L is for the rest of high school as she states, "S.E.L is important for students to learn." in the last paragraph.
4. No, she did not talk about the other side of the story.
5. Yes, she was wishy-washy when she was talking about the problems but how it can help freshmen today.
6. No, there was no quotes in this story.
7 This was is 1st person point of view.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Earthquake story

who: Jennifer Vu reported the McHenry's supply shop
what: earthquake knocked down supply shop
where: San Francisco Bay area 
when: Monday morning at 8:12 a.m.

Monday morning around 8:12 a.m. in the San Francisco Bay area an earthquake struck knocking over McHenry's supply shop killing two and injuring 6 people.

Yesterday morning there was a strong earthquake in the San Francisco Bay area that shook many houses and shops.

"I was eating my breakfast when the pom started rolling. I dove under the table just as I heard an explosion outside and a chunk of cement flew through my kitchen window That's when the Screaming started across the street." Mike Beamer said.

The earthquake had knocked over a supply shop called McHenry's injuring many people and killing two.

"McHenry's Auto supply shop collapsed killing two that names are being withheld." Jennifer Vu stated.

Even though the quake only lasted around 30 seconds it still caused damage to those near it.

" Mike Beamer felt a rolling motion that lasted for about 30 seconds, with a big jolt doing in the middle" Jennifer Vu said.

There were many people who quickly responded to the collapsing of the shop. Twenty-one fire personnel, twelve police and five American Red Cross workers came some were even arriving within four minutes of the quake.

"There were many police and Red Cross workers arriving quickly at the scene of the quake." Vu informed.

The only injures in the San Francisco Bay area were the six from the shop and the two killed from the shop. There were no other serious injuries reported.

"No other injures had been reported in Hayward near the quake." Vu said.

This earthquake had been considered a "strong one" based on the magnitude on the epicenter of the quake.

"The earthquake had a magnitude of 6.4  and occurred on the Hayward fault line which runs under hills. Based on the magnitude being 6.4 this quake is in the "strong one" category. 

huntington story

who: Janice Jones and Tammy Rye
what: Janice shot in leg by her own gun
where: In her motor home in Beach Boulevard near Highway 1
when: 10 p.m. Wednesday Oct. 14
why: it was on accident
how: The dog knocked over the gun and it shot her in the leg.

On Wednesday October 14th Janice Jones was in her motor home when her dog, Tombo, knocked over her hand gun and it fired through her leg.

Janice blamed the accident all on her dog for accidentally knocking over the gun.

"That damn dog shot me in the leg! I was relaxing and eating my pork chops!" Janice said.

The bullet shot through her leg and almost hit the gas tank. Things could have been real bad if it had hit the gas tank. Janice was very lucky, She could have died.

"Janice should be thankful it did not hit the gas tank and she did not die." says Tammy Rye.

Janice thinks there is a reason the bullet landed inches from the gas tank. She has a theory about her near death experience.

"Since I am 53 years old, god has a plan for me, his plan is for me to at least have two more years to live. Since the bullet was two inches away from mw dying." Janice said.

Janice has no use for her dog anymore since she thinks it tried to kill her. She decided to give to the animal control officers.

"I never want to see that dog again. I am giving it away!" Janice yelled.

Friday, October 9, 2015

CE 2.1

1.The board was giving free weekend tickets to people who aren't even excited to go to ACL makes could cause conflict with other people wanted to go and wondering why they don't get tickets for free and a 71 year old gets tickets and she doesn't even want to go.
2. Tom is trying to send the message that only the mothers love and care for there kids and that the dads only care about money and that the fathers should be paying more time with there kids and not at work. The mom is the only one raising the kid in the family and he doesn't have a father figure.
3. The UT professor did not return to teaching since he was scared of his safety at his school.
4. There is a new marketplace starting with artisans for Amazon and local Austin artists.
5. The new mental gear is rated so highly since there is nothing like it out and it is no longer intimidating to newcomers. So kids and people who have never played before can since understand and have fun like other who have.

1.There are many reasons that this industry has seen so much growth one of the main reasons in that people are working late and a lot and they feel so tired and can't find time or the energy to go somewhere making to quicker and easier to just ordering thing where they don't have to move or go somewhere to get something.
2. My mom uses amazon and amazon prime a lot since its easier to find things and you don't have to worrying about finding time to drive somewhere and it end up not even being there when you can just order it online so much faster. Since you don't have to run through the whole store and you could end up not finding anything anyways.
3. It is being targeted by millennial shoppers since more people are using there mobile phones which every kid these days have iPhones and iPads making it so much easier to order online making more people wanting to use the phones.
4. I think people will start using thing even more since work will only get harder and later so finding time will just become too difficult so people will just start going online even more. Even though people now use it a lot there will just be more.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Car accident

who: John Jacob Jingleheimer-Smith, 91 and Roger Clementine, 13
what: Car accident
where: On Slaughter Lane and First Street in Austin
when: 4:55 pm October 6 2015
why: Roger was going 60 mph on the wrong side of the road
how: Roger was on the wrong side of the road speeding

Yesterday afternoon at 4:45 p.m. Roger Clementine a fourteen year old boy and Jacob Jingleheimer-Smith and 91 year old man with his wife Melba, 67, collided head on at the intersection of First Street and Slaughter Lane.

It was a sunny hot Austin day when Roger was speeding down the wrong side of the road with his uncle's car. On the other side Jacob was was way below the speed limit when he saw Roger speeding down.

"What the....." Jacob yelled right before the collision.

Roger's 1948 Studebaker had only suffered a crumpled fender but Jacobs 1989 Yugo was a complete loss.

"My whole car was ruined and he only had a crumpled fender!" Jingleheimer whined.

Clementine had a few little cuts on his face and was taken to University Medical Center Brackenridge and he was release shortly after being treated. Jingleheimer had a serious head injury and was in some bad condition this evening. Melba only got a bloody nose during the accident.

"I had a cut almost one inch from my eye! I could have been blinded!" Clementine complained.

"My husband is in serious conditions from you driving on the wrong side of the road at 60 mph!!" Melba yelled at Clementine.

Clementine shouldn't have been driving in the first place since he is too young to be driving and Melba found that out and wasn't happy.

"He is not even old enough! He probably stole that car too!"

There was no reason for this crash since the roads were not slick. It was hot and dry.

"I slid a little into the wrong lane and then the sun was in my eyes." Clementine whined when asked why he was in the wrong lane.

Melba had a bloody nose from the accident which was more Clementine had

"That little brat only had tiny cuts I got a big bloody nose and my husband could die!"

There is no word on how Jacob has been recovering. Last heard about him was this evening when he was in serious condition. Hopefully he will okay and Clementine will not be charged with manslaughter.

"The only reason I want him to live is so I'm not charged with manslaughter." Clementine said when asked if he was worry about Jacob.

Monday, October 5, 2015

The big day

A bride getting ready for for wedding and looking out the window if she hoping for someone to show up. A man driving trying to make it to the wedding to stop her from marrying the other man. He runs into the building as fast as he can but is too late as the girl is already marrying the other man. She was upset as she wanted him to show up and stop the wedding from happening. She wanted to marry the man that was coming to stop the wedding.

who: the bride Katherine
what: her wedding
where: the church
when: in April
why: to stop her from marrying the wrong guy
how: driving to the wedding as fast as possible

There is a car driving very fast along a curvy road in the middle of no where and in the middle of a forest surrounded by trees. It is an early April morning and it had been raining all night leaving pools of water on the side of the roads. Marco in the car is speeding down this road very trying to get somewhere.

As he is driving Katherine is dressed in a wedding dress laughing and getting ready for her wedding with her bride maids. She keeps looking out the window looking for someone to come. Her dad is sitting near her and checking his watch seeing if Marco will ever come for his daughter.

"Looks like he not coming Katherine." her dad explained to Katherine.

"He has to come! Where is he? I thought he loved me." Katherine whined.

 As she gets ready for her wedding the man in the car speeds past a slow car in front of him trying to go as fast as he can.

"Ahhhhhh!!! Hurry up dumb car!" Marco screamed in the car.

The dad of the bride shuts the door so no one can come into the room as they start heading towards the church for the wedding to begin.

"Here comes the bride..." the choir sings as she walks down.

 The man driving pulls up to the church. He stumbles up the small steps. As he opens the door he begins running to the bride and groom who are about to say there I do's.

"I now pronounce you man and ......" the minister says then looks at Marco.

The bride turns to him and looks embarrassed not expecting him to show up to the wedding.

"Oh no" Katherine whispers to herself.

She looks down at the ground trying not to make eye contact with the groom, Damon. Marco looks at them together and looks as he is about to start crying and wishing he could be the one up there with her but he was too late and she already picked the other Damon.

"uhh..." Marco utters to himself.

 But she wasn't expecting him to come in in the middle of the wedding when she was already marrying Damon. The bride was waiting for him to show up before the wedding but he didn't so she went ahead to the second man Damon. Damon did not realize there was another man in the picture as he looked down at the bride with disappointment in his eyes. As he looks down at Katherine.

"Who is this?" he spit down at Katherine.

Student of the Month

Kelly Thornton won the student of the month award at Bowie High School on November 30th by being nominated since she had amazing grades and had outstanding leadership.

"You have to have leadership like mine, because I'm the best overall," Kelly Thornton stated when being asked what it takes to become student of the month.

When Kelly's teachers were asked about her performance at school everything they said went against everything Kelly had said.

"Kelly never listens to me in class and always does her work incorrectly," Mr. Gomez said when asked if Kelly always does what she is supposed to.

Kelly had said she receives great grades in class and does better than anyone in all of her classes and all of the school.

"All 110s and 160s," Kelly said many times when talking about her grades.

But when asking her teachers they denied that she was even passing her classes.

"Kelly mainly receives 35s and 50s in all of her classes. But she has be caught changing her grades in the schools computer multiple times," Says Mrs. Smith, Kelly's History teacher.

Many people in the school are wondering why Kelly doesn't get in trouble or they don't change her grades back to 50s in the computer. But Kelly's best friend, Cianna, opened up and found that Kelly scares everyone to become a great student instead of working for it.

"Kelly always yells at me that she is better and thinks she is the best. But she isn't she just scares everyone in the school," Cianna stated when asked if Kelly thinks she is better than everyone."

Teachers at school wondering why Cianna is even friends with Kelly. But they have been friends since they were little in kindergarden.

"I met Kelly in kindergarden when she spilled juice on me and screamed in my face then we became best friend," Cianna said when asked about her friendship with Kelly.

Many people at Bowie High School think that Kelly doesn't deserve to win this award because she receives bad grades and is a terrible student in all of her classes. Even her best friend thinks this about her.

"I don't think that Kelly should have deserved this award at all. I think I should have won this award since I'm such a better student, I listen in class, and I'm an overall great person." Cianna said when asked if Kelly deserved this award.

People wonder what Kelly will do later in her life since no one knows what she is interested in. Kelly will probably want to rule the world.

"I want to become president of the world." Kelly stated when asked about her plans for the future.

Kelly had apparently the only one to be nominated in the student of the month running.

"I was the only one nominated since I'm the only one worthy." Kelly says.

Kelly thinks that she is better and more talented than everyone else.

"I have all the skills." Kelly stated after being asked about her talents.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Current Events Quiz 1.5

1. The pope meeting with Kim Davis is in this newspaper because this is a major problem in the world now and people are curious of what the pope had to say to her. This has been all over the news lately so they are sharing what happened between them.

2. Up from 29 percent of Texans supporting gay marriage in 2009 according to a Texas Lyceum poll released Wednesday And 13 percent marijuana in 2011.

3. Three of the key findings on the Lyceum poll was Texans continue to believe that the economy is the most important issue in the U.S. and 9 percent of Texans said that education is the most important issue facing Texas and One in 10 respondents said immigration was the most important issue facing the country. However, 24 percent of Texans believe that immigration in the # 1 issue facing the state today.

4. This poll is unique because it did not survey registered voters or likely voters.

5. Jordan Speith had broken the record of the money title.

Wearables are basically technology you can wear on your body.

We are seeing more of them because so many people have the iPhone and can't wait for the next one to come out just to get it. So people are excited for new things and ideas of technology and they think its cool and fun. So people keep coming up with ideas and ways to make the world smarter and better.

They mention the apple watch many times in this story and I kind of like the idea of an apple watch. They are like having your phone with you all the time but so much easier and faster to see your calls and messages without worrying about losing your phone or dropping and cracking it.

I think we will definitely see more of theses in the future, since we are only becoming smarter and people keep coming up with more ideas. Also people really like having so much technology since they don't have to do as much so people will want more and will buy more.

I not sure if I will be wearing the wearables but I know other people would love to wear them. People love technology near them all the time so one, they don't have as much to do (its easier) and two, they won't always feel alone and they will feel like they always have a friend. So I think they will go really far but I probably won't be buying to many of them.