Sunday, February 21, 2016

C.E. 4.4

1- Apple is trying to keep their strict encryption systems in place so the government cannot spy on people through their phones. They don't want the government to have power over them.
2- The food supplement that might be able to help autistic kids according to Texas A&M researchers is carnitine. If the women who are pregnant take this in supplements than it's better than folic acid.
 3- Walmart says that what caused their earnings to drop last quarter was the fact that they are becoming slightly irrelevant due to It's more common for people to order their stuff online.
4-  The high schools were appealing to UIL regarding sports district alignments because they wanted out of their own districts. Because the new district will be hard for the team such as the time that it takes to travel through traffic and costs more.
5- Some popular VR devices coming to market soon include the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive which are basically headsets that transfer you to a different place, almost like you're living the video game. 

I learned that now that One of the nine justices are dead  and there are four conservatives and four liberals left in the supreme court. Supreme court Justice Antonin Scalia has recently died causing all of this. If congress doesn't have any pressure to fix the deadlock problem than lots of future cases while end undeceive. There should be pressure on this deadlock or else no one would have the drive to fix it. Obama doesn’t have a lot of time as president left, but he should be able to say what he thinks to the supreme court. Because he is still president and the others haven’t been elected yet so he still has the right to be involved in this.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch #4

summary:Who? What? Where? When?Why?How?Who was quoted in the story?What quote was the strongest in your opinion?Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?

Rewards created for good attendance raises questions 

Students haven't been the best at attending there classes in the past. But now Texas law has made it were you need to attend 90% of class to receive credit for a class. Now aisd has created rewards to encourage students to be in class more. Some of the rewards were that you can paint your parking spot, off periods and exempt from final exams. The main idea to this story is stay in class and get good grades.

who- the students
what- rewards for good attendance
where- AISD
when- this year
why- to encourage students to go to class
how- reward them with special prizes

quoted- Ruth Widner, Grace Little, Lauryn Kendrick, Mason Kendrick and Madi Little.
strongest- The strongest quote was the quote that Mason Kendrick said about how just showing up to class can get you so far..
Yes, the first sentence did want me to keep reading because I wanted to see what they were going to tell me about attendance and see how important it is.
The conclusion was a quote.

Red Cross Club presidents raise awareness about medical and health issues to make a difference

who- red cross club presidents (Caleb Newton and Madison Winn)
what- volunteering and raising awareness 
where- at Bowie high school
when- this year
why- to make people understand medical and health issues
how- volunteering 

Monday, February 15, 2016

favorite magazine cover

New York, June 9-15, 2014, Health
"Baby Emilie was 9 minutes old when Thierry Bouët photographed her for a series on babies in the first hour of their lives. New York used the photo—along with a fresh and fun type treatment—to great effect in its amusing, and affecting, “Health”-issue cover."

This is a magazine cover that is advertising health care. The photo they chose was very interesting to me. Because it is a new born baby who just came into the world who will need health care to survive. This picture really draws peoples eyes to it since of course it's a really cute baby which always makes people want to look at it. But also they zoomed in on the baby's face making it pop off the page. Not to mention the expression on the baby's face making it impossible not to look at this magazine and think about the health care this cover is advertising. The brightness of this picture highlights the little expression of the baby's face also making it easy to tell that this baby was just born. The way they made the words come out of the baby's mouth to look as if he or she was yelling them as if he was trying to tell you the words. It was smart to use a plain white background so it doesn't take away from the main reason on the cover, being the baby.

best covers

1. formal
2. formal
3. environmental
4. environmental
5. informal
6. informal
7. informal
8. informal
9. formal
10. informal
11. environmental
12. environmental
13. informal
14. informal
15. informal
16. environmental
17. informal
18. formal

magazine tips

1. Try to make it emotionally irresistible to attract people.
2. Bring out the curiosity. Make them look closer.
3. Make it intellectually stimulating and interesting and make the people think and want to buy it.
4. Make it fast and easy and efficient. People like things that are easy.
5. Make it worth the money and time.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Prompt Shoot 2 edits



C.E. 4.3

1. What are five things you should know about the Zika virus? Page A1
The five things you should know about the zika virus is that it is in Travis County, it is linked to birth defects, it's been found active in urine and saliva, all pregnant women are at risk and there is no vaccine for it.
2. How is Ft. Hood promoting renewable energy? Page A1
Ft. Hood is promoting renewable energy by making an investment on a Panhandle wind farm and installing a massive solar farm 75 miles of Austin.
3. What are three of the top jobs that do not require a 4-year college degree? Page B7
Three jobs that do not require a 4 year college degree are licensed practical nurse, an electrician and construction and building inspector.
4. Who won the Super Bowl and what was the score? Page C1
The Broncos won the Super Bowl 24 to 10.
5. Skim the Webb Report on Page D2, which story was the most interesting? Just give me the subheadline of the six stories there.
The most interesting was the family values one because of how it described the Austin families and I live in Austin, so I thought it was interesting. The sub headlines were "#nofilter," "start your your engine," "Horns up McConaughey," "Watch out Florida," and "Newsmakers."

Look at the Photo Extra Page SA1-SA4.

Which is your favorite photo? Why?
My favorite photo was the "To the victor goes the spoils." This was my favorite because it was Kerber kissing the trophy and I really like Kerber and was glad that she won. I think she deserves to win a grand slam.
Which photo had the most interesting stuff going on?
"Battling the Blaze" has the most interesting stuff going on. There was an explosion which really catches peoples eyes and shows the horrible things in the world.
Which photo was the most boring?
"Peace Conference" was probably the most boring of the photos. It is a meaningful picture but there was just nothing really going on during the picture so it looked kind of dull compared to the others.
Which photo had the most interesting subject?

"Tears for victims" had a very interesting subject. It was interesting to me because this subject is very important to me and my family and people who have had to go through things like losing friends and family for no reason.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Portraits and self portraits


1. Alter your perspective
Most portraits are taken with the camera at the eye level of the subject. While this is good common sense - completely changing the angle that you shoot from can give your portrait a real WOW factor.
2. Mirror
A mirror or some other reflective surface offers an even easier way to take a self-portrait. In most cases, the camera will be included in the scene. 
3. Play with backgrounds
The person in your portrait is the main point of interest – however sometimes when you place them into different contexts with different backgrounds you can dramatically alter the mood in a shot.

Environmental Portrait
I really liked this picture because I thought it had an interesting view point of the player. And most people would have just taken a picture from eye level instead of looking at it through the basket. I chose this because one of the tips I chose was perspective and I wanted to see an example of it so I could try some of changing perspective in my pictures.

Photography self portrait
I enjoyed this picture because of how different it was and how the ocean lines up with his water on his shirt. This was an idea I would never thought of and how interesting it is. I chose this because of looking at all the other ones they were all the same and everyone in water was in the water almost all the way. Most of the pictures had the same ideas going were this one was completely different.

Casual portrait
I like this picture of this baby because one, he's really cute and two, he doesn't understand that he is being photographed. So it is a truly casual picture and not posed in a way. I chose it because of how the baby is being focused on and the background is all blurred out. 


1. An environment portrait is a photo of someone who is in their own environment like where they work and live in the places they belong.
2. The difference between the environmental and the casual is that the environmental photos are more candid then the casual which are supposed to be casual. The casual are more posed and fake than the environmental.
3. In order to get a really good self portrait we need to get a idea for a creative background and creative props and try to get a different meaning and take on the photo. Taking a different perspective of the picture.
4. When I go to take these photos I will be looking to take a photo with a different perspective and with different meanings to me. I am going to try and hid my face as best as I can. I will most likely take a picture of Jolie or my dog because I love my dogs and also I think I could make some good pictures of my dog running or something. Or I was thinking about taking a picture of Jolie playing tennis since I could get a really cool picture of her hitting.