Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring Break 2016

During this Spring Break, I did what I usually do. I flew out to New Orleans with my dad and brother. My sister was in Punta Cana with her rich tennis friend. Last year they took her to the Bahamas. So my dad decided Cal, my brother and I should go and visit some family in Nola. Unfortunately, not all of my cousins were on Spring Break, so most of the time it was just my dad, brother and I hanging out. We went down to Central Park and ate breakfast and walked around. But we still saw a lot of my cousins and even had dinner with my cousin Miles for his birthday. My dad and Cal and I all went down to Mississippi and ate lunch by the beach. We ate a lot of poe boys while we were there. We only stayed for a couple days so we still had some time to hang out at home. When we got home I got to spend some time with my mom. My mom and I ordered pizza and watched movies and ate a huge load of chocolate. The next morning we took a walk in my neighborhood to see if the pool was almost done. We went downtown  to eat dinner at Lucky Robot while hearing some South by Southwest music. My mom and I like to play tennis together and then I help her clean her condo and we go out to lunch together. I spent a lot of my time at home drawing and painting with my grandma. My grandma is an amazing artist and I always love painting with her. So I decided to paint a sunflower with her and she is going to make it into a pillow for my room. I've spent a lot of my time at my grandmas house. I basically grew up over there because she lives right next door to me. Jolie finally got home on Friday so I could spend some time with her. Jolie and I are always hanging out together at home, I always mess with her even though she's older, I am taller. We listen to a lot of musical songs together, and watch a lot of musicals. We laid in the hammock and listened to music most of Saturday until the night, when my dad grilled some food and a bunch of our family friends came over. On Sunday it was more of a relaxing day, I slept in and went on a walk with my dogs. Later that day my friend Katherine invited me, Cianna and Drew over to hang out and watch Catching Fire, because she loves all the hunger games. After, we had Sunday dinner at my grandma's house like we do every week. We all watched basketball and listened to Hamilton the musical while eating brownies. Overall I had an amazing week. I didn't do too much, but I did have a lot of fun. It's always nice to see family that I don't see every week. Although I did have a lot of fun painting with my grandma. 

spring break picture

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Magazine Cover peer review

1. Health and Style by Maya.
2. I like the places she put her headings and I really liked the fonts and colors she chose.
3. Maybe you could have put a date by the bar code.
4. The fonts she used drew my eyes to the cover.
5. Yes, yes and yes.
6. Yes, I would because it interested me to see what it is about.
7. Yes, self-portrait.

Magazine Cover peer review

1. Exploration Weekly by Cianna Chairez.

2. I really liked how the girl had paint on her face.
I liked the expression on the girl's face.

3. Proof read the cover first. (addition)

4. All the fonts looked really good and drew my eyes towards it.

5. Yes, yes and yes.

6. Yes, I would because the headings were really good and made me want to read about them.

7. Yes it is a portrait.

Magazine Cover peer review

a. What is the name of the magazine that you looked at and who made it?
Four seasons by Claire Meyer

b. List two things you liked about the magazine cover
I really liked how she used the leaves in her picture.
I also like all the different fonts and color scheme she used.

c. Suggest something to the creator to improve the cover
Maybe you could make the heading under "rainy days" a little easier to read.

d. Why did you pick this cover? Specifically what attracted your eyes.
I picked this because the color scheme and fonts really brought attention to my eyes.

e. Is there a bar code? Is it appropriate in size and located in the correct place?
Yes, there is a bar code and it is in the right place.

f. If you were walking by the magazines in Barnes and Nobles would you pick this magazine up and look at it? Why or Why not?
Yes, the title page really makes me want to pick up a copy and read it.

g. Can you tell if it was a portrait or self-portrait?
Yes, it is a self-portrait.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Other High School Newspapers

  1. What is your favorite newspaper front page? Why?  My favorite cover was the "The College Search." I liked it because it was simple but still caught my attention and I thought it was something people should read if they are trying to decide where to go to college.
  2. Which paper immediately grabbed your interest? Why? "What makes you unique?" grabbed my attention when I was scrolling down. Mostly because they and a lot of different colors and they had one color pencil standing out of the others which caught my attention. I really like seeing all the colors together, reminding me of a rainbow.
  3. What is your favorite headline from that newspaper? Why are you interested in it? My favorite headline was "tips on writing college essays." This interested me because I thought this was a really good idea to put for some people who might be having trouble or don't know were to start writing their college essays.
  4. How many stories are on the front page of your favorite? There are 4 headlines on the front.
  5. What do you notice that all newspaper front pages have in common? Look at design, size of photos, size of story text, etc. They all use a lot of colors on the front. They also all put to title of the top of the page. A lot of the pages have people on the cover of them.
  6. What are things that vary (or are different) on the front pages of different newspapers? Look at design, size of photos, size of headlines, etc.  All of them have different sizes and shapes based on what their title is about. They are all using different colors. 
  7. Were these similar to what you saw last class when you looked at daily newspapers from around the world? No, they were very different from the newspapers around the world. They were more colorful and the pictures weren't as good as the others. They use a lot more wild colors and put the headlines in all sorts of crazy places unlike the ones around the world. 



Headlinesa heading at the top of an article or page in a newspaper or magazine.

Sub headlines- a smaller, secondary headline that usually elaborates on the main headline above it.

Lines- a line of text in a newspaper.
Boxes- A small article or headline enclosed by lines to give it visual emphasis.

Photos- Pictures set next to the story in which they are depicting to help provide the refer with an image.

TeaserA term for promotional boxes, words and/or pictures that are usually above the nameplate of the newspaper. It could encourage the reader to read a particular story or a special section. Also called a sky box.

FlagType on front page which gives name of newspaper.

Folios- At the bottom of a page and tells you the category of the page and the page number.

Captions- short text that explains what is happening in a photo.

Stories- Long text that tells about an event or other things that are being addressed in the newspaper.

Bylines- A printed line of text accompanying a news story or article giving the authors name.

Story dividers- A break from the story in which one would put a jump so there is a break. 

ScreensA shaded area of copy in a newspaper. A text box might have a slight grey screen behind it to make it stand out.

Info graphics- Graphics added to the paper that provide fun information such as percentages, graphs, quotes, etc. 

Front pages of the World

1. My favorite newspaper was the newspaper from Bakersfield, California. I liked it because of the colors they chose and they way they formatted it. They used colors that looked really good together and I really like them.
2. My favorite headline is the one that talks about the campaign 2016. This interested me because my family has been talking about the campaign and I am started to be more interested in it.
3. There are 5 stories on the front of the paper.
4. Most of the papers have a big main picture of the front and one main story on the front. They also have a lot of little stories along the side of the paper.
5. Some do not have as many pictures as the others. There are a couple of different formats that they use. Like some have stories down the side and others have them on all sides of the paper or around the main stories.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

C.E. 5.1

1. List the top 2 candidates in the Texas primaries for each political party and tell me the percentage of voters who selected them. Page A1, jumps to page A11 (Hint: you will find the information you need on page A11 somewhere, but looking at the start of the stories on page A1 is smart)
The top two candidates for the the democratic are Bernie Sanders with 31% and Hillary Clinton with 68% and top two for the republican is Donald Trump 28% and Ted Cruz 41%.

2. How many students will benefit from a $1 million donation by Gregg Lowe and his
 wife? Page B1 "Couple donates $1M..."
600 students will benefit from a $1 million donation by Gregg Lowe and his wife.

3. What will Savara Pharmaceuticals do with its recently acquired $20 million? Page B7 "Austin's Savara raises $20M"

With the recently acquired $20 million, Savara Pharmaceuticals will launch new clinical trials of its inhalable drug for cystic fibrosis patients.

4. Which of the 4 streaming titles would you be interested in watching? page D2 "Austin filmmaker getting..."
Out of the 4 streaming titles I would most want to watch "Before we go." It seems like an interesting love story and I love to watch love stories. They always interest me so much, the feeling of fate is so fascinating to me.

5. Who were the two teams that beat the UT mens and women's basketball teams yesterday emphatically sending the message that neither team is ready for the post-season and what was the score in each game? Page C1 (Hint: the boys played one team and the girls played another, they are not the same school)

The UT women were beaten by Baylor up in Waco 74-48. The UT men were beaten up by Kansas in Austin 86-56.

No, I do not think that they should be forced to create a backdoor because it is our  personal information and they shouldn't have the right to look through that. It is uncalled for people to see that. The phone belongs the person that bought it and they should be able to decide what goes on it and what they do with it.

If someone took my phone, I would prefer them not to go through my phone. But if they were to, I wouldn't really have anything that interesting on mine except for texts to my mom. I don't have many interesting things on my phone, Its really just for me to call and text my parents and let them know where I am. Also to text my friends.
No, this should not be a good enough reason of the FBI. People know what they should be doing and should not have to get the FBI.
No, they don't check my phone. My mom trust me to be do the right things on social media but I don't use that much social media, I spent most of my time snap chatting my friends.
I think that their parents should be trusting there children, but I do think some kids shouldn't have any social media if their parents can't trust them to have it. Because there are kids that shouldn't be on some social media that should have their parents being checking their phones.

I think that children should have a phone once they go into middle school, but not necessarily iPhones but phones to call there parents about staying after school or being picked up. They don't need to have an iPhone until they are older near around 8th grade but by high school it is important for them to have iPhones because it helps with school and online textbooks and communication. I think that kids today have to many electronics at young ages distracting them from school and the world around them.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


         Monster Under The Bed

The room is becoming black and dark
The fear is racing up and down my veins
The things I start to hear make my bones stark
Feeling as if I’m constricted with chains

       Banging and screaming from under my bed
Can’t help but seeing figures coming near
Closing my eyes, but only seeing red
Finding the courage to call my mother dear

Safety racing up the hard, wooden stairs
Bright lights filling up the entire room
She looks under the bed and then declares,
”Don’t worry, nothing of impending doom.”

A giant weight lifting off my shoulder
Fear is in the eye of the beholder

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