Thursday, November 19, 2015

Feature story brainstorm

1. My grandpa, Norman Christopher Francis.
2. My dad, Uncle, and aunts.
3. How my grandpa became the president of Xavier University.
4. Build the story the on good quotes.
-Where were you born and raised?
-What type of environment did you grow up in?
-How did the environment you grew up in effect how you became how you are today?
-How did you overcome your childhood to become the president of Xavier?
-How did you get your start to becoming president?
-Were there any obstacles in the way of becoming president?
-Who was your main inspiration to become president?
-Who helped you the most with your journey to president?
-How did you become eligible to be president?
-What awards have your received since becoming president?
-What made you want to work in Xavier?
-What were you doing before you worked at Xavier?
-What year were you elected president?
-How long did it take you to become president?
-Were there times when you didn't know if you could be what you were hoping for?
-Did you ever question yourself?
-Was your family fully supportive of you?
-When did you know that you would become president?
-How old were you when you became president?
-How long did it take from when you started to when you became president?
-How long were you president?
6. Questions for dad and aunts
-Did Norman act any different from when he was working at Xavier and when he wasn't working at Xavier?
-What kind of environment did you grow up in?
-How close were was your family?
-Did your family ever go through hard times when you were growing up?
7.Norman Francis started out in life as poor and under-privileged, but — as he said later — he did not know that he was poor and under-privileged. Francis was born in Lafayette, Louisiana, the son of poor parents, neither of whom had finished high school. After he graduated from St. Paul High School in 1948, he turned his interest toward the military, but because of the interest of one of the teaching sisters at St. Paul High School, Norman found himself with a work scholarship to Xavier University in New Orleans.
8. For my interview I will start by asking about how he grew up and what kind of environment did he grow up in and then ask him about how did he overcome that to become who he is today. And about how working at Xavier has changed him and then about him retiring.
9. I will interview them at his house in New Orleans.
10. I will be taking notes the whole time and writing quotes down.

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