Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Lone star dispatch

                                   "Lock down procedures impact student learning and thoughts"

During extreme weather conditions, many kids did not know where to go and how to protect themselves. Some had ideas to train a self-defense class for students to be prepared. (didn't have some of ending.
Larry Britton, Angelica Covington, Maura Evans were all quoted in this story.
The strongest quote was, "I would be much more comfortable with teachers having self-defense because if someone does come on the campus with a weapon I know my teacher can try to defend themselves," Evans said.
Yes, I wanted to know how they were planning on fixing this problem.
It was missing to end so I do not know.

                                             "Science Fair is getting too competitive for students"

Science fair is making kids be too competitive and it should be optional for students. Because it can cost a lot of money and stress kids out who have many other activities to do.
No one is quoted in this story.
Yes, I wanted to see the reasons for the idea of an optional science fair.
The conclusion was a statement about how the author felt.

Student Life
                                       "Pet rescue strikes a cord with a pair of animal lovers"
Two, animal loving students, Fuaad Ajaz and Alex Reyes both volunteer at animal shelter to help the unwanted animals from their parents. They have several jobs they have to do at the shelters for the cats, helping them find new homes.
Fuaad Ajaz and Alex Reyes were both quoted in this story.
The lead had hooked me in some ways, by wanting me to see what jobs they had to do when they volunteered.
Ajaz was the strongest quote because it explained what that have to do at the shelter.
The conclusion was a quote.

                                                             "In Review: Mockingjay Part 2
This was a review written about the new movie Mockingjay Part 2 and all the characters and exciting events that happened in the movie. Katniss Everdeen has turned into the mockingjay symbolizing rebellion.
No one was quoted in this story
Yes, I love the Hunger Games and I wanted to keep reading about the movie.
The conclusion was a statement on how the author felt.

                                                      "College bound turns into D1 bound"
Kianna Ray, Hailey Walker and Amber Lotz have all signed off to colleges where they can play there sports. Ray and Lotz think its important to stay close to home, but Walker will leave Texas and thinks it's good for her.
Kianna Ray, Hailey Walker and Amber Lotz were all quoted in this story.
Amber Lotz had an amazing quote about how she loved the sport and how she can get a great education where she plays. Which is a very strong quote that that she is still focused on her education when she is playing. 
Yes, the lead wanted me to keep reading about were these girls went to play college sports.
The conclusion was a quote.

            "Students celebrate the holiday season in different ways, but with a similar spirit"
Holidays are a great time to celebrate your culture with your family. There are many different ways people celebrate during the holidays and we need to respect people even if they celebrate differently.
Andy Moe, Houda Remli and Sam Searles were quoted in this story.
The strongest quote was definitely Remli's quote about seeing a man asking about her and many holding a weapon. Showing how scary and rude people can be.
Yes, the lead definitely made me want to keep reading and learn about different people.
The conclusion was a statement.

My favorite picture in the whole paper was the soccer picture on page 11. Because it showed what kind of talent we have at Bowie and showed how they play. It was a really neat picture taken showing off our player at Bowie. It was very clear to show people that they should being going to the games this season.
My least favorite picture was the picture of the Starlight Theatre Company. This my least favorite because it didn't show the students very clearly. It showed the ones in the front and then blurred out the ones in the back as if they didn't mater as much. It would have been better if the made of the students clear to us.
If I were a photographer on staff, I would have wanted the picture of the soccer game. This would have been fun because I could have had so many picture options to take of the game going on. Also I would have gone and watched the game and I love to go see the soccer game and see all the players.
Well overall the photography was pretty good. It was about a 7 out of 10. The sports pictures were really good. But the in class picture could have been improved. Even the weaker pictures still were okay but could have been better.

I good topic for the newspaper could be the new parking spots that seniors can receive and the new absences and finals that are now coming into play. They could talk about how the if you have a certain absences the final won't hurt your grade. For a person to interview, you could think about talking to the leading rolls in the musical.

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