Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Student of the month lead

Who: Kelly Thortan
What: Student of the month
When: November 30th
Where: Bowie High School
How: By being nominated
Why: She had amazing grades and outstanding leadership

Kelly Thortan won the Student of the month award at Bowie High School on November 30th by being nominated since she had amazing grades and had outstanding leadership.

More student of the month

Questions for Kelly's math teacher Mr. Gomez.

1. Do you think that Kelly deserved this award?
I think Kelly should not have gotten this award and her best friend Cianna Chairez should have received this award.
2. What kind of grades does Kelly receive?
Kelly gets mostly 34s and 50s. But she changes her grades in the computer often.
3. How does Kelly get along with her classmates?
No! She always is yelling at them and telling everyone she is better than them. 
4. Does Kelly always do what she's supposed to?
Well no not at all she doesn't listen to me so she does al her work incorrectly.

Questions for Kelly's best friend

1. What is your name?
My name is Cianna Chairez
2. Are you a better student than Kelly?
Yes, Kelly is a terrible student in all of her classes.
3. Does Kelly ever act like she's better than you?
Kelly always yells at me that she is better and thinks she is the best. But she isn't she just scares everyone in the school.
4. Where did you meet Kelly?
I met Kelly in second grade when she spilled juice on me and screamed in my face then we became best friends.

inverted pyramid

Friday, September 25, 2015

Student of the month Q & A

1. what is your name?
My name is Kelly Thornton
2. Do you need to have good grades to be student of the month?
Yes, and I have the best grades.3. Who recognizes you for student of the month?
Everyone recognized me, cause I'm the best.4. Where are you from?
I am from the islands of winners.
5. Do you have to sign up for student of the month?
No they just award me cause I'm the best.6. Is there a different student in every grade for student of the month?
There's only one, which is me. "Student of the year, month, day."
7.What kind of actions do you need to show to earn this title?
Take the hardest classes, challenge yourself and do great in all your classes.
8. How important is student of the month at your school?
Not that important since I'm used to getting it every month.9. How do they announce student of the month?
Over the intercom so everyone can hear how great I am.10. Are there certain people who choose student of the month?
Well I am the only one nominated since I'm the only worthy.11. What kind of leadership does it take to become student of the month?
Leadership like mine, because because I am the best overall.12. What are your hobbies?
I like to draw and I like to practice my student of the month skills.
13. Can a student get student of the month more than once?
Well I am a freshman and I have got it for 9 years.14. Do you think you deserved to get student of the month?
Yes I deserve every award.15. Do you think they choose student of the month fairly?
Yes, If student of the month was an olympic sport, I would win 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.16. How hard it is to get student of the month?
Very hard, I work my hardest  and I always win.
17. Does anyone treat you differently since you have won this award?
No, they treat me the same since they already knew I was better than them.
18. What skills do you have?
I have all the skills.19. After winning this title what other titles are you wanting to get?
President of the world.
20. What are your grades like>
All 110s and 160s.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

current events quiz

1. Pope Francis will be there 6 days and go to 3 cities Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and Washington D.C.
2. The terms and occupancy limits are no more six unrelated guests, no more than 10 guests allowed, no more than two people per bedroom and no more than six people assembly.
3. Volkswagen altered software that evades emission controls.
4. They put Matt Cassel in replace for Tony Romo.
5. Two central Texas companies that might not expand are Samsung and Texas Lehigh.

1. In the article "students find their voice to finance case" Students are speaking up for their finance at their school based on education. Two students at school spoke up about personal stories and said in the future how smaller classes and more educated teachers to help their careers and lives. The the court heard their oral arguments and have no deadline to issue a ruling.
2. The students have a lot of courage speaking up for their school. They must have really wanted to make a difference in the world or their school. I think it was really brave for them to have spoke up like they did.
3. I think their efforts will mean something, knowing that these kids spoke up and worked as hard as they did about their education means that something really needs to be fixed for their school and people will recognize that.
4. I learned that their are a lot of schools who are getting a lot of money for the state finance system that shouldn't be. And their are a lot of schools who need money and aren't getting it, causing people to start speaking up for their schools who aren't getting enough money.

Monday, September 21, 2015

student of the month

1. How do you achieve "student of the month?"
2. Do you need to have good grades to be student of the month?
3. Who recognizes you for student of the month?
4. Is there a different student every month?
5. Do you have to sign up for student of the month?
6. Is there a different student in every grade for student of the month?
7. Does a teacher have to nominate you?
8. What kind of actions do you need to show to earn this title?
9. How important is student of the month at your school?
10. How do they announce student of the month?
11. Are there certain people who choose student of the month?
12. What kind of leadership does it take to become student of the month?
13. Do they switch off girl, boy, girl, boy each month?
14. Can a student get student of the month more than once?
15. Do you think you deserved to get student of the month?
16. Do you think they choose student of the month fairly?
17. What grades can receive student of the year?
18. Can you get student of the month two times in a round?
19. How hard is it to get student of the month?
20. How many times can you win student of the month?

Some other sources you could ask questions to are the teachers at the school and also the school board or whoever elects the students.

school uniforms

sources: Some sources I would ask about in forcing school uniforms would be the principal of the school along with the school board, the students parents, the students to see how they are feeling about the change and if they want uniforms or not and the teachers if they think they should have uniforms or not. 

1. When will this change occur?
2. Do the parents have a say if they want there kids wearing uniforms?
3. Who will decide on what the uniforms look like?
4.Will the uniforms represent the school colors?
5.Will the teachers have uniforms too?
6. Will the school provide them or will the students have to buy them there selves?
7. Are there going to be a different color for different grades?
8. How did the idea of uniforms come up?
9. Do the students have a said if they want them or not?
10. Was there a reason for in forcing uniforms?
11. How much will the uniforms cost?
12. Why didn't you just in force a dress code?
13. Do the students have to wear the uniforms everyday?
14. Who will be checking and making sure students are in the uniforms?
15 What will happen if the students refuse to wear the uniform?
16. Will the uniforms change during the different seasons?
17. Can the teachers send students to the office for not wearing uniforms?
18. Will all the uniforms be the exact same for everyone?
19. Can students put things on their uniforms?
20. Are students allowed to change the uniforms?

Thursday, September 17, 2015

current event quiz

1.  The Republican party presidential debate was held at the Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley, Calif.

2.  The major concern that the complex owners (the Bernhards) have is the terminal's 6 a.m. to midnight operating hours under the permit, aren't optimistic.

3.  Uber wants to expand into East Austin because they wanted a bigger growing demand.

4.  The 5 things they want to say thank you, keep the trains moving, finish the nike deals, to embrace the coaches, and mend fences with Texas exes.

5. The unique thing about the the two new sculptures on the 1st street bridge is the the later the night get it shows a dazzling effect.

1. When I read this article I thought it was weird for a kid to bring a clock to school. And if the asked him to put it away he should. I think he shouldn't be bringing the clock to school but if he does no big deal put it in his backpack. But if it becomes a probably it shouldn't be to big of a deal the teacher should just pick it up and then give it back at the end of the day.

2. I think he was first singled out from the clock. But when they saw his skin they got too many ideas of what could happen. And they look at how he was dressed and got even more ideas about what he was up to.

3.  I think they should not be the school district official anymore and they need to understand and look at things more closely next time before they assume things. Which is happening a lot more recently.

4.  I personally think he should not be punished for he's actions. But I thing he could handle things a lot better next time. And if something like this happens again he should be better prepared for what to so.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Gigi Francis period 7 

Publishing drunk drivers' photos

  In this article people started noticing there were pictures of drunk drivers in the newspaper trying to stop people from driving under the influence. People became angry there photos are in the newspaper to drunk driving. The conflict was it was appropriate they were publishing those photos. If people should be embarrassing these people in the news for drinking under the influence. The main reason they were publishing it was to scare other people and into never drinking and driving.

Personally I believe that it is inappropriate to publish there pictures in the news. Its uncalled for and the is no reason they need to put photos. I can understand just a name a little more. although I can see why they want to embarrass people so others won't do it. But i think there is a better way of showing that. They may have made a mistake but they shouldn't be publicly humiliated for it.

Naming victims of sex crimes

    In this article kids from around the United States have been sexually abused and abducted. And they had named the victims of the crimes in then they had many interviews about there past events. Some interviews leaving them "visibly upset." They had movies and books made about there abductions. Many people were wondering is it was okay to name the victims of the crimes names in the articles and stories they had wrote.

Now the question is if it was appropriate for them to use the names. I think that when they are missing of course use there names so they can try to find them. But after the incident they should be asking the kids if they want there names all over the world. Because it is there name after all and they should be deciding where there name should be. If its okay with them then its perfectly okay to name them. On the other hand if they don't live like some of the stories I think they should find the parents or I would put the names because they are gone and people need to know because they might have known them.

The media's foul ball

In this article a man at a baseball game tries to catch a foul ball in order for the player not to be able to catch it and make the out. He was escorted by security out of the field. The ball was accused for the reason they lost the game. And he man was known all over for his actions.

The question is if it was okay for they to name him for his actions. I think it was fine to name him for his actions. If he wanted to catch that ball so bad he deserves to be known for doing that. He should be noticed for the actions he did. He knew what he was doing when he did it. Granted I don't think it was the reason they lost, though it could have shaken up the player trying to catch it.