Friday, April 15, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch #5

Difficult class choices resolved
Who- High school students.
What- The advantages and disadvantages of class choices.
Where- Bowie high school.
When- throughout the next years of high school.
Why- to help you pick what classes you want to take.
How- By listening to teachers and older classmates.
Who was quoted in the story- Piper Kopser, Mrs. Shumate, Ruth Widner, Veronica Castillo. 
What quote was the strongest in your opinion- Veronica Castillo's last quote.
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading- Yes, because I wanted to know more about my options for next year.
The conclusion was a quote.
Freshmen, sophomores and juniors have to start looking at what classes they want to take next year. There are lots of options that you have for the next years as far as classes go. You have to think and talk to others about what classes are going to be the best choice for you to excel in.

Freshman Andrea Findley's family travels to Uganda and Rwanda to study war and help the disadvantaged 
Who- Andrea Findley and her family
What- help the disadvantaged
Where- in Uganda and Rwanda
When- this past summer
Why- to study war and help others
How- by giving them money and food
The strongest quote was Mike's that said how they all learned to grow.
quoted- Mike and Andrea Findley
Yes, I wanted to see how they felt about traveling to another country and helping people.
The conclusion was a quote.
The Findley family decided to go to Rwanda and Uganda. They went to go learn about the wars there and they wanted to help others there that needed help. They help them with money and food there and had a great time doing it.

Being kind helps raise awareness 
Who- Bowie students
What- raising kindness 
Where- Bowie high school
When- this year and last year.
Why- to lower the rates of suicides
How- by creating a day called "Kindness Day"
Lindsey Cottle had the strongest quote at the very end of the article.
quoted- Katie Stephenson, Lindsey Cottle and Becky Stephenson.
Yes, it had a very intriguing first sentence.
The conclusion was a quote.
Bowie kids noticed there was an overwhelming amount of suicides from bullying on social media. They wanted to raise kindness and awareness of this. So they decided to create a day for this to help kids called "kindness day."

Tennis team comes together to help a fellow teammate
Who- the Bowie tennis team
What- cleaning up around the tennis courts
When- Saturday, March 5th
Where- Bowie high school tennis courts 
Why- to help Jack Cobb with his Eagle Scout project and clean up around the courts 
How- by painting and putting together new benches.
Jackson Cobb had the strongest quote about his experiences through tennis.
quoted- Jack Cobb, James Dammann, Mariya Shkolnaya and Ksenia Vlassova.
Yes, It made me want to know what was happening.
The conclusion was a quote.
Jackson Cobb is a part of Eagle Scouts were he had a project to make the tennis courts and around them a nicer place. For his project, he needed help, so he decided to ask the tennis team. A bunch of the tennis team agreed to help him out and clean up the courts and area.

Band director set to move to a new school at year's end
Who- the band director, Kim Shuttlesworth 
What- band director is going to a new school
When- at the end of the year
Where- Bowie school
Why- to start a new program at a new school
How- she will leave in order to start her program 
Ms. Shuttlesworth had a very strong first quote in the beginning of the story
quoted- Ms. Shuttlesworth, Gianna Nuckols and Danny Cruz.
Yes, I hadn't heard about this, so I wanted to know more.
The conclusion was a quote.
Ms. Shuttlesworth is planning on leaving Bowie at the end of the year. She said she has had great times here and it will be hard to leave. But she will go to another school and start a new program there.

Social media, back at it again
Who- Josh and Daniel 
What- Damn Daniel on social media
When- this year
Where- all over the world
Why- to be funny 
How- putting it all over social media 
quoted- no one is quoted
Yes, I know about the damn Daniel and wanted to hear what they wanted to say.
The conclusion was a statement.
Two boys made a video and put it online to be funny and make a joke. It was made world wide by viners who tweeted it. It was funny for a while, but began to get annoying after awhile. 

1. My favorite photo was the one of Chris playing the guitar.
1A. This was my favorite because it had a really pretty background and the guy was doing what he loved.
1B. One rule of photo composition was the rule of thirds.

2. My least favorite photo was the softball photo on page 11.
2A. I was an okay picture, but it was way to dark and no one could see the girl very clearly.

3. If I were part of the staff, I would totally want to take a photo of the baseball game. There are a lot of reasons, but my main reason is that it would be fun to get an action shot. And also, I love baseball and watching it so it would be more like fun and a reward than work.

4. I would rate it as a 7. It was pretty good, but could use some work. The photos of people doing things were great. But when it came to art work, I feel as if they could have gave more detail and color to the drawings.

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