Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Cellphone addiction causes accidents

     Cellphone addiction is causing people to drive "blind".  Today 28 percent of involve talkingand texting on cellphones and it is growing. There are many people today who are ignoring the "no talking or texting when driving" policy. People should not be texting or talking instead they should be paying attention to the road. These people are too busy looking at there phone and they aren't looking at the road. These people are getting into accidents from not knowing what's going on in front of them.
    A total of 41 states have banned texting while driving, and about one dozen ban cell phone use only by drivers under 20 years of age. About 1.3 million accidents, or 26 percent of all pileups, are blamed on drivers using cellphone. According to
     There are times when being on your phone is acceptable, like when you are stopped at a light to quickly check your phone or you should pull over and take a call from the side of the road. If you are driving there is an emergency the right thing to do would be to pull over and then check your phone instead of trying to look at you phone while driving.
      This is becoming a major issue today because of some many teens starting to drive are wanting to be on there phone 24/7 causing people end up in accidents and crashes that could take the lives of the drivers or passengers in all the cars involved. But it's not only teens there are a lot of adults today driving while on there phone and you'd think they would know better than to be doing something that will cause deaths and injuries.
       When behind the wheel you need to be very focused and being on your phone will only distract you and create problems for your driving and can cause "blindness" to the road and cars ahead of you. The most important thing about driving is always looking at the road and know what is going on and being on your phone will only cause you to lose focus and not know what is going on, being on your cellphone is taking away the most important rule of driving to you.
         There is a reason that we have a policy  that you are not allowed to be on your phone when driving shown by the 1 out of  4 accidents are caused by texting and talking on your phone. What there isn't a reason for is being on your phone at all times. You have plenty of time when your not in the car. Why would you choose the time in the car to text and talk.
         Most people think that the don't text and drive don't apply to them because there "better drivers than those people" but if you are texting and driving anything can happen and you can get into a wreak no matter who you are. Some people think that they will never get into a accident while on there phone but they don't realize that one of every four accidents are caused by being on there phone which could just as likely be you than anyone else.
         Don't be someone who thinks this can't happen to you, cause it can. So turn your phone off and put it away when your behind the wheel.

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