Friday, January 29, 2016

Free Write

It was just a normal day with the bright sun blasting in my eyes. I saw that the dirt in my flower bed looked a little plain and boring, so I decided to plant a few flowers. I jumped into my car and ran down to home depot where they had the most wonderful flowers. After deicing upon blue and pink daisies I went home to start my work. I grabbed my tools and ran to my garden. After hours of of digging and planting, the light hit something shiny beneath the daisies. I shuffled my flowers of the way to see what was in my sights. Finding a beautiful hunk of gold!!! I screamed as loud as my voice would let me. I ran inside to tell me kids, which would have been the right thing to do. But instead I ran into my car and left. Where to? Who knows. All I know is that I'm in the car and it's moving. Maybe one day I'll see my kids again.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

f 2.8 

f 16
1. We should closely relate aperture to the pupil of your eye.
2. The smaller the Aperture, the bigger the area of focus.
The larger the Aperture, the smaller the area in focus.
3. When you have a larger number, it means you have a smaller aperture and thats makes the foreground and background become more focused. A when you have a smaller number, it means you have a larger aperture which makes the background less focused than the foreground.

high shutter speed

slow shutter speed

a. high shutter speed
b. high shutter speed
c. high shutter speed
d. high shutter speed
e. slow shutter speed
f. high shutter speed

a. slow shutter speed
b. slow shutter speed
c. high shutter speed
d. high shutter speed
e. slow shutter speed
f. high shutter speed

Prompt shoot edited





Tuesday, January 26, 2016

composition part 2

This can be a patterns because of the people making a pattern and balancing each other out. The two of the women are on the outside of the taller man making a pattern of the three.

View point
This is an example of viewpoint because it is be taken from a viewpoint that isn't eye level creating different ways to look at the picture and the building and towers around it.

This picture is showing an example depth because it has different things going on in different levels of the pictures showing everything that is going on at the time.
This picture is cropped to not show all the people in the background. They cropped this so the mess in the back and mergers are not in the picture distracting people from the main focus.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Photo Manipulation and ethics

A. Summarize the main points of the story in 2-4 sentences.
People are trying to photoshop pictures of things that didn't happen. And when you try to photoshop pictures it's lying and if you don't that at work then you can be fired.

B. Explain why you think this type of photo editing is unethical or acceptable.This is unethical because some of this never happened so it's not right to lie about something by editing a picture.

This is the most unethical because Bush never did debate but it showed up that he did. And that never happened so they are lying about what he did and that's not right to others that did debate and tried and people who did nothing but can still receive credit for it.

This is the least unethical because all thats changing is her teeth. This one doesn't matter as much as the others because the others focus on other things that aren't teeth. No one really cares about how her teeth look. 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

photography composition 9/11

This is simplicity because the background is clear and it's helps the people see the explosion on the building and focus on the building more with a clearer background.

The Rule of Thirds 
This is an example of the rule of thirds because the main focus is not lined up in the middle, but it can help show what's going on in the background but still is obviously the focus is on the firefighters on the right.
This is an example is of lines because of the lines on the building in the background and it is the building the man is jumping off of.
This is an example of framing because the pictures are framing the people in the mirror showing their faces of sadness of the people who died during 9/11.

This is an example of balance because the buildings and towers balance each other and this is appealing to the human eye because the towers are the same time which is nice to see with your eyes.
Avoiding Mergers
This is an example of not avoiding mergers because there are so many buildings around and towers in the way of the fire messing up the picture and making it look bad.

Prompt Shoot





current events 4.2

83, 951 students attend AISD.
The exchange would involve 607 acres for public land costing 1,185.
The colors of the year were rose quartz and serenity.
This is awesome because my friends and I all love to color and draw together and when I become an adult I sure I will love to color still and it's a great way to relax.
I would love to go to the the staycation art show to go and look at all of the art work. I am not the best at art  but I love to see other peoples art that are good at it .
According to this article they blame to global warming on the emissions of greenhouse gases.
One result was the usual wave of winter floods that flowed down the Mississippi river watershed.
I personally do not worry about global warming. I know that I should but I am usually too busy thinking about other things and global warming just slips my mind.
As a society the main problem we need to fix is the use of gas so something that we could all do is start only using electric cars so we aren't using any gas that can harm the environment.
I think that it is a huge issue today. Because if we can't think of anything to stop it from getting worse, it will continue to become a problem and it will only become a bigger issue that will get to a point were there is no way to stop it. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

current event

1. The five things you can be expecting from Obama are breakup note, retrospective, social push, tee up for democrats and Austin represented.
2. Sean Penn had written a Rolling stones article and switched the phones. Then he met up with him, disguised, so know who recognize him, then he asked him questions.
3. The 4 of David Bowie's most famous songs were "Space Oddity," "Fame," "Heroes" and "Let's Dance."

4. The Powerball lottery payout for the winner on Wednesday night are 1.4 million dollars.
5. The Star Wars Universe at Disney World looks really cool and interesting and people that love Star Wars would love to see all of that stuff. However, I do not have that kind of money and even if I did, I would probably spend it on something else more important. I am not that big of a Star Wars fan so it would not interest me as much as others.

I would probably want to buy a ticket. Because I love to enter random things that you don't have to have talent or work really hard. So I think it would just be kind of fun.
I don't think either of my parents did or will ever buy one. Because they say it's just a rip off and you have no chance at all of winning. Which is true.
I probably would just for fun and for the excitement of it.

I would definitely put some of it again because I going to need it for the future. But I really want a new phone and a car for when I can drive and then with everything thats left I would want to travel the world. I have already been to a lot a places around the world, but I can hardly remember them since I was so small. So I would go everywhere and stay at all the nicest places and hotels.
5. What if you didn't win the big prize, but came in third and won $3 million dollars instead of over a billion, what would you do with the money now?

Lone star dispatch

                                   "Lock down procedures impact student learning and thoughts"

During extreme weather conditions, many kids did not know where to go and how to protect themselves. Some had ideas to train a self-defense class for students to be prepared. (didn't have some of ending.
Larry Britton, Angelica Covington, Maura Evans were all quoted in this story.
The strongest quote was, "I would be much more comfortable with teachers having self-defense because if someone does come on the campus with a weapon I know my teacher can try to defend themselves," Evans said.
Yes, I wanted to know how they were planning on fixing this problem.
It was missing to end so I do not know.

                                             "Science Fair is getting too competitive for students"

Science fair is making kids be too competitive and it should be optional for students. Because it can cost a lot of money and stress kids out who have many other activities to do.
No one is quoted in this story.
Yes, I wanted to see the reasons for the idea of an optional science fair.
The conclusion was a statement about how the author felt.

Student Life
                                       "Pet rescue strikes a cord with a pair of animal lovers"
Two, animal loving students, Fuaad Ajaz and Alex Reyes both volunteer at animal shelter to help the unwanted animals from their parents. They have several jobs they have to do at the shelters for the cats, helping them find new homes.
Fuaad Ajaz and Alex Reyes were both quoted in this story.
The lead had hooked me in some ways, by wanting me to see what jobs they had to do when they volunteered.
Ajaz was the strongest quote because it explained what that have to do at the shelter.
The conclusion was a quote.

                                                             "In Review: Mockingjay Part 2
This was a review written about the new movie Mockingjay Part 2 and all the characters and exciting events that happened in the movie. Katniss Everdeen has turned into the mockingjay symbolizing rebellion.
No one was quoted in this story
Yes, I love the Hunger Games and I wanted to keep reading about the movie.
The conclusion was a statement on how the author felt.

                                                      "College bound turns into D1 bound"
Kianna Ray, Hailey Walker and Amber Lotz have all signed off to colleges where they can play there sports. Ray and Lotz think its important to stay close to home, but Walker will leave Texas and thinks it's good for her.
Kianna Ray, Hailey Walker and Amber Lotz were all quoted in this story.
Amber Lotz had an amazing quote about how she loved the sport and how she can get a great education where she plays. Which is a very strong quote that that she is still focused on her education when she is playing. 
Yes, the lead wanted me to keep reading about were these girls went to play college sports.
The conclusion was a quote.

            "Students celebrate the holiday season in different ways, but with a similar spirit"
Holidays are a great time to celebrate your culture with your family. There are many different ways people celebrate during the holidays and we need to respect people even if they celebrate differently.
Andy Moe, Houda Remli and Sam Searles were quoted in this story.
The strongest quote was definitely Remli's quote about seeing a man asking about her and many holding a weapon. Showing how scary and rude people can be.
Yes, the lead definitely made me want to keep reading and learn about different people.
The conclusion was a statement.

My favorite picture in the whole paper was the soccer picture on page 11. Because it showed what kind of talent we have at Bowie and showed how they play. It was a really neat picture taken showing off our player at Bowie. It was very clear to show people that they should being going to the games this season.
My least favorite picture was the picture of the Starlight Theatre Company. This my least favorite because it didn't show the students very clearly. It showed the ones in the front and then blurred out the ones in the back as if they didn't mater as much. It would have been better if the made of the students clear to us.
If I were a photographer on staff, I would have wanted the picture of the soccer game. This would have been fun because I could have had so many picture options to take of the game going on. Also I would have gone and watched the game and I love to go see the soccer game and see all the players.
Well overall the photography was pretty good. It was about a 7 out of 10. The sports pictures were really good. But the in class picture could have been improved. Even the weaker pictures still were okay but could have been better.

I good topic for the newspaper could be the new parking spots that seniors can receive and the new absences and finals that are now coming into play. They could talk about how the if you have a certain absences the final won't hurt your grade. For a person to interview, you could think about talking to the leading rolls in the musical.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

2015 Pictures of the year

1. This was one of my favorite pictures in 2015. Because one, it is a very beautiful picture but, it caused a lot of damage to areas near Mount Sinabung. How something so beautiful can cause damage. This picture couldn't be created without the Earth and its natural disasters.

2. This is another one of my favorite pictures of 2015. It was another amazing image that someone took. But  it also shows how normal things can be and then suddenly change is the matter of feet. It has beautiful waters feet from your house.
3. This one I liked because it reminded me of a mushroom and jellyfish. I thought it was a really interesting place that I would love to see in real life.

Best song 

The best song for me in 2015 was "Like I'm gonna lose you" by Meghan Trainor. I listened to it 24/7. It played on the radio and I could have listened to it with whatever mood I was in. It always makes me feel better when I listen to it.

Best movie

The best movie for 2015 for me was Mocking jay part 2. I just recently saw it and I didn't go and see many movies and this was one that I remembered really well and remembered liking it a lot. I didn't read any of the books, but I saw all of the movies and they were really good and I would always go and see it again.

News story

"1,125 people killed by police"

 This is a very important story about how many people have lost their lives to the people that are supposed to be protecting us. It's insane how many accident killings there have been this year by police. In some cases they have a right and it can be hard for them but there are a lot of lives being lost for no reason. I hope in 2016 there will be less deaths.

Most important person

They are very important to this year and any other year too. They are teaching people out there about the black children that aren't being treated fairly. And there is no reason for them to be treated any different just because their skin is darker than others. I hope they continue to be an important role model in the future.

sports event

An important sports event event for 2015 was wimbledon. Serena Williams won the 2015 wimbledon bringing her grand slam winnings to a incredible 36 major titles. This was very important to me because tennis is the only sport I watch and keep up with.


Over this whole break I did nothing. Well I hung out with my friends and family, but family that I see every weekend so it wasn't that exciting. But I got some really awesome presents. My overall favorite was my new computer. My old one was very slow and old and I was in desperate need of a new one. I use it everyday and it works so fast and it will help so much with homework and projects. I know it is really basic and everyone says this, but I would really love to improve my grades and become a better student. Also I would like to play more tennis and improve my backhand. Im looking forward to a lot of this these year. One is taking pictures in this class! And also starting spring season in tennis, which is our tournament season. At the year of this year I will be 16... and that means I could drive. And in the summer I will go to California.