Friday, March 4, 2016

Other High School Newspapers

  1. What is your favorite newspaper front page? Why?  My favorite cover was the "The College Search." I liked it because it was simple but still caught my attention and I thought it was something people should read if they are trying to decide where to go to college.
  2. Which paper immediately grabbed your interest? Why? "What makes you unique?" grabbed my attention when I was scrolling down. Mostly because they and a lot of different colors and they had one color pencil standing out of the others which caught my attention. I really like seeing all the colors together, reminding me of a rainbow.
  3. What is your favorite headline from that newspaper? Why are you interested in it? My favorite headline was "tips on writing college essays." This interested me because I thought this was a really good idea to put for some people who might be having trouble or don't know were to start writing their college essays.
  4. How many stories are on the front page of your favorite? There are 4 headlines on the front.
  5. What do you notice that all newspaper front pages have in common? Look at design, size of photos, size of story text, etc. They all use a lot of colors on the front. They also all put to title of the top of the page. A lot of the pages have people on the cover of them.
  6. What are things that vary (or are different) on the front pages of different newspapers? Look at design, size of photos, size of headlines, etc.  All of them have different sizes and shapes based on what their title is about. They are all using different colors. 
  7. Were these similar to what you saw last class when you looked at daily newspapers from around the world? No, they were very different from the newspapers around the world. They were more colorful and the pictures weren't as good as the others. They use a lot more wild colors and put the headlines in all sorts of crazy places unlike the ones around the world. 



Headlinesa heading at the top of an article or page in a newspaper or magazine.

Sub headlines- a smaller, secondary headline that usually elaborates on the main headline above it.

Lines- a line of text in a newspaper.
Boxes- A small article or headline enclosed by lines to give it visual emphasis.

Photos- Pictures set next to the story in which they are depicting to help provide the refer with an image.

TeaserA term for promotional boxes, words and/or pictures that are usually above the nameplate of the newspaper. It could encourage the reader to read a particular story or a special section. Also called a sky box.

FlagType on front page which gives name of newspaper.

Folios- At the bottom of a page and tells you the category of the page and the page number.

Captions- short text that explains what is happening in a photo.

Stories- Long text that tells about an event or other things that are being addressed in the newspaper.

Bylines- A printed line of text accompanying a news story or article giving the authors name.

Story dividers- A break from the story in which one would put a jump so there is a break. 

ScreensA shaded area of copy in a newspaper. A text box might have a slight grey screen behind it to make it stand out.

Info graphics- Graphics added to the paper that provide fun information such as percentages, graphs, quotes, etc. 

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