Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring Break 2016

During this Spring Break, I did what I usually do. I flew out to New Orleans with my dad and brother. My sister was in Punta Cana with her rich tennis friend. Last year they took her to the Bahamas. So my dad decided Cal, my brother and I should go and visit some family in Nola. Unfortunately, not all of my cousins were on Spring Break, so most of the time it was just my dad, brother and I hanging out. We went down to Central Park and ate breakfast and walked around. But we still saw a lot of my cousins and even had dinner with my cousin Miles for his birthday. My dad and Cal and I all went down to Mississippi and ate lunch by the beach. We ate a lot of poe boys while we were there. We only stayed for a couple days so we still had some time to hang out at home. When we got home I got to spend some time with my mom. My mom and I ordered pizza and watched movies and ate a huge load of chocolate. The next morning we took a walk in my neighborhood to see if the pool was almost done. We went downtown  to eat dinner at Lucky Robot while hearing some South by Southwest music. My mom and I like to play tennis together and then I help her clean her condo and we go out to lunch together. I spent a lot of my time at home drawing and painting with my grandma. My grandma is an amazing artist and I always love painting with her. So I decided to paint a sunflower with her and she is going to make it into a pillow for my room. I've spent a lot of my time at my grandmas house. I basically grew up over there because she lives right next door to me. Jolie finally got home on Friday so I could spend some time with her. Jolie and I are always hanging out together at home, I always mess with her even though she's older, I am taller. We listen to a lot of musical songs together, and watch a lot of musicals. We laid in the hammock and listened to music most of Saturday until the night, when my dad grilled some food and a bunch of our family friends came over. On Sunday it was more of a relaxing day, I slept in and went on a walk with my dogs. Later that day my friend Katherine invited me, Cianna and Drew over to hang out and watch Catching Fire, because she loves all the hunger games. After, we had Sunday dinner at my grandma's house like we do every week. We all watched basketball and listened to Hamilton the musical while eating brownies. Overall I had an amazing week. I didn't do too much, but I did have a lot of fun. It's always nice to see family that I don't see every week. Although I did have a lot of fun painting with my grandma. 

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