Monday, October 19, 2015

Earthquake story

who: Jennifer Vu reported the McHenry's supply shop
what: earthquake knocked down supply shop
where: San Francisco Bay area 
when: Monday morning at 8:12 a.m.

Monday morning around 8:12 a.m. in the San Francisco Bay area an earthquake struck knocking over McHenry's supply shop killing two and injuring 6 people.

Yesterday morning there was a strong earthquake in the San Francisco Bay area that shook many houses and shops.

"I was eating my breakfast when the pom started rolling. I dove under the table just as I heard an explosion outside and a chunk of cement flew through my kitchen window That's when the Screaming started across the street." Mike Beamer said.

The earthquake had knocked over a supply shop called McHenry's injuring many people and killing two.

"McHenry's Auto supply shop collapsed killing two that names are being withheld." Jennifer Vu stated.

Even though the quake only lasted around 30 seconds it still caused damage to those near it.

" Mike Beamer felt a rolling motion that lasted for about 30 seconds, with a big jolt doing in the middle" Jennifer Vu said.

There were many people who quickly responded to the collapsing of the shop. Twenty-one fire personnel, twelve police and five American Red Cross workers came some were even arriving within four minutes of the quake.

"There were many police and Red Cross workers arriving quickly at the scene of the quake." Vu informed.

The only injures in the San Francisco Bay area were the six from the shop and the two killed from the shop. There were no other serious injuries reported.

"No other injures had been reported in Hayward near the quake." Vu said.

This earthquake had been considered a "strong one" based on the magnitude on the epicenter of the quake.

"The earthquake had a magnitude of 6.4  and occurred on the Hayward fault line which runs under hills. Based on the magnitude being 6.4 this quake is in the "strong one" category. 

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