Tuesday, October 27, 2015

opinion story

 There are still people today are still looked at and judged by people if they are darker or wear different clothing. People should not be judged on the color of there skin and the way they dress and look.

 On June 18, 2015 a police officer broke a 12 year old black girl's jaw and ribs for giving attitude to the police officer. It is not fair to the the little girl who was injured, people should not be allowed to act that way and get away with it just because they are law enforcement or any one else for that matter.

  I don't think that a giving a attitude because police had her friend to the wall is a good reason to break a girls jaw and ribs. This girl is only 12 and she is still young and learning and does not need to be shoved up to a police car and hurt.

 Its not only kids its adults too. In Florida a woman was tackled and punched for filming her husband's arrested. Is there a point to tackling and punching a woman for just filming a video of the cops doing there job.

 It's insane to me how people can hurt and abuse these people for barely doing anything to them. They are supposed to be law enforcers and they showing people it's okay to abuse these innocent people.

 But its not only them, in schools there is still a lot of kids harming other kids in there class. There is bullying at every school. It's not always about the door of skin, it's also about how kids dress and some kids can't afford fancy brands and expensive clothing like other kids. There are kids at every school that have the most expensive and fancy clothes. At Bowie, from personal experience, if you walk down the hallway you can tell that all the kids with the expensive clothing are all together and have the same clothes.

Some of these kids are the ones who are harassing the other kids who can't afford that stuff. Some kid's parents aren't as lucky to have great jobs and that is no reason that they should be making fun of them. How kids dress does not show what there personality is on the inside and all kids should never leave out or harass the kids without the name brand clothing.

I can see how people who think they are better than others can be rude sense they must have had some sort of influence at home but thats why parents these days should be helping there kids understand that we are all the same on the inside and out even if we don't look the exact same. And that even if others look or act differently if it's their skin or their clothing they still need to be treated the same as others.

I understand that darker skinned people have a "reputation" but they shouldn't, every person is different and it's wrong to for people to treat them like they are bad and criminal when there not.

I think that people should never be treated any different than everyone in the world. Everyone needs to be treated the same.


  1. I really loved your topic and I thought that you stated your opinion really well. It is a really good opinion piece. One thing you could work on is just your grammar and spelling. Otherwise it was really good.

  2. i really liked your topic it was a good choice it should be talked about more in every day life you did a real good job about explaining both sides of the story as well one thing you can work on is grammar and spelling errors.
