Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Opinion Writing Preview

"Student sharing, too much change or great opportunity?"

1. The author of the editorial board wrote this story.
2. This story is about the decision of having FIT everyday or only two days.
3. Their opinion about FIT was that FIT time is not more valuable than actual class but it is worth the shorter classes to have 30 extra minutes to study. They directly state, "I think it's worth that shorter classes are worth the extra 30 minutes of study time."
4. Yes, they included that there was a different side to the situation and they included reasons to support the other side.
5.Yes, they were wishy, washy with there opinion when they said they think FIT isn't more important than class time but they still think that FIT is worth study time.
6. No, there are no quotes.
7. This is in was written in 1st person point of view.

"The office welcomes the dawn of the technology"

1.This story was written by Kelsie Stella.
2. This story was about parking permits and V.O.E. available online for easier access.
3. The author's opinion was that are fully supportive to the new technology. "I think that moving toward a more technology-based system for these two documents, especially at a school like this, is going to prove to be extremely successful." They state in the last paragraph.
4. Yes, they do address the other side of the story and how there could be issues.
5. No, her opinions are not wishy-washy she states them very clearly.
6. No, there are no quotes in this story.
7. This story is in 1st person point of view.

"I scream, you scream...."

1. The author of this story was Nya Martin.
2. This story was about the reasons for Blue Bell being shut down.
3.The authors opinion about this story was that she will not eat Blue Bell and she doesn't like the company. As she states, "I will not be consuming any of Blue Bell's products." in the last paragraph.
4. No, they did not share another side of the story.
5. No, Her opinions where clearly stated.
6. No, there where not quotes in this story.
7. The was in 1st person point of view.

"The problem with pep rallies"

1.This story was written by Annika Holm.
2. This story is about there being no pep in pep rallies.
3. Her opinions on pep rallies is that she dislikes them based on lack of spirit and pep. "pep rally would go a long way to show that they're equally supported." She says in the last paragraph.
4. No, she really didn't show the other side of the story.
5. Yes, she was a little wishy-washy when she mentioned that the idea of pep rally are helping and encouraging players but she still does not like our pep rallies.
6. No, there are no quotes in this story.
7. This was 1st person point of view.

"Emotional learning effective?"
1. This story was written by Melissa Weprin.
2. This story is about how Social emotional learning is important for the rest of high school but most freshmen don't realize it.
3. Her opinion was clearly on how important S.E.L is for the rest of high school as she states, "S.E.L is important for students to learn." in the last paragraph.
4. No, she did not talk about the other side of the story.
5. Yes, she was wishy-washy when she was talking about the problems but how it can help freshmen today.
6. No, there was no quotes in this story.
7 This was is 1st person point of view.

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